Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 7

Ahoy there maties! We are having many challenges with waves on our beam, especially when down flying, etc. (of course I had forgotten all about that), but our forward progress is great. We did about 150 miles yesterday, and the steady winds are continuing to blow 12-15 kts. This is definitely not the sleigh ride downwind cruise we were envisioning, but Sidewinder is smiling as she slides through the slippery seas.

Cloudy weather has been bringing small showers, and the temp is just right. Our refrigeration system seems to have lost the refrigerant somehow and we do not have the proper valve we need to add more freon, so we have resolved to finish all fresh food and live out of the freezer, which is still very cold as of today. Hopefully we will not lose too much food in the long run, and, as Marc said, way back in the olden days, there was no refrigeration, and many survived for months. Luckily we do not need to eat fresh turtle meat! (How sad to think of how many tortoises were taken by the shippers.) We cannot fish since we need to eat what is frozen, and at least we know that is an option if we need it. Hope the sun comes out today; that will help cheer us up. Actually, we both delight in the idea of not having to worry about the energy consumption issue, but we certainly hope we will be able to find a solution when we get to French Polynesia. Ah, the life of a sailor! Our adventure continues ...... 

Location: S 4 degrees 03.8 min W 103 degrees 33.3 min.  David has become quite the SSB Barefoot Net controller who welcomes those who can hear and check in every morning at 7:30. He is great at it! At night, we can touch base with all our friends who left a week before we did, and it is great being able to talk to them and know how they are doing. Mike and Jodie are behind us about 40 mi. and we are sailmailing to keep in touch. It is very cool to know there are others out here with us on this vast ocean.  Love to all, Suz

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