Friday, October 8, 2010

Near Mala Motu

Even though the weather was rainy and stormy all day yesterday and last night, we had a fabulous time on s/v Visions of Johanna with Bill, Graham, and Johanna hosting a spaghetti dinner with the local family, Colletta and Tupe with their four beautiful kids, whom they have befriended this last month. Our friends from Simpatica, Louis and Jules, also joined us, and we all brought something to add to the dinner. Regardless of the thunder, lightning, and major rain, we all were comfortably nestled inside the 57 ft. custom East-coast sailboat designed by Graham and Johanna, and it was wonderful visiting with these special Tongans who have grown up here. They are both highly motivated people who believe that education is their first priority beyond survival. (Unfortunately, not usual for the Tongan local population who are so poor.) Their two oldest girls are in high school; Jasmine, the oldest, is about to graduate and is planning to go to the university in New Zealand if they can find the money. The entire family performs on Wednesday evenings in Neiafu at the Giggling Whale, and the money they earn is for education in the village; we did catch the show last week, and they invited us to come to their village tomorrow and go to church with them. Now that we know them more from our lovely evening on Visions, I think David will even go with me to be with them at their home and church. I look forward to learning more about them, and going to church will again give me a chance to soar with the angelic music of the local people. We are saying farewell to Simpatica and Visions, who are both on their way to New Zealand and are moving to the anchorage closest to the island village of Afo near Tapana Point tonight; hopefully the sun will come out for our journey. The anchorage with the surf close at hand is not too far from where we will be tonight. Hopefully when we return to Neiafu, I will have more pictures to share. Haven't tried internet at Mala yet and probably won't, so no skype. Love, Suzi

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