Saturday, June 5, 2010

Heading for Daniel's Bay

We are leaving Taiohae Bay for our last venture in Hakatea Bay, known to cruisers as Daniel's Bay, where we will hang for a while, do the wonderful waterfall hike everyone raves about, join some other cruisers and locals in a pig roast (right up my alley!) and then we will begin the crossing to the Tuamotus. We haven't yet decided which atolls we are going to, so that will come next week when we know more. Let's hope I can send the pics along with this email. The pictures are from the crossing, reaching landfall, a glimpse of Fuka Hiva and friends, Hana Tahuamoenoa Bay on Tahuata, and Anaho Bay, Nuka Hiva.

I received this missive on the gmail account, which means they are at an internet cafe. So far no pictures; I will post them if/when they arrive. Fun: If you go onto Google Earth (free download) and search for Hakatea Bay, French Polynesia, you can see Daniel's Bay. To the southwest between the Marquesas and Tahiti lie the Tuamotus, where they are headed next.  - Kris

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