Saturday, April 7, 2012

Another Easter in NZ and the sun is shining!

Greetings from Sidewinder here in New Zealand on Easter Sunday, with brilliant sun shining and green grasses all around, a little band playing Easter hymns I recognize from years past in the park nearby where we are on a pile mooring up the river in Town Basin Marina, and little children  running around hunting for Easter eggs the EBunny managed to hide, even in the rainy weather last night.  As always, I sense renewal and rebirth, and my heart is filled with deep love and appreciation for my family and friends. I think of abundant flowers filling the landscape at the ranch, as family members search for the perfect spot to celebrate life and each other and of course, I do wish I were there with everyone physically! I also have visions of warm sunshine welcoming a beautiful Easter morning on the beach at 9th Street, with dear friends gathering to watch dolphins play in the surf and enjoy life with each other. What fortunate beings David and I are, to be given such an abundant life filled with amazing people. We will download some pictures sometime today, and update you all with the latest from here. We continue to send warm love and prayers to son Casey in Portland, who is slowly healing from his tragic loss of Liz who passed away a few months ago after fighting for her life with incredible spirit, and to Julie, Casey's mom, Liz's family, and all the dear friends who were constantly there for both of them during their year of struggle. The mystery of life continues to confuse, but it also reminds me even more of how essential it is to celebrate life each and every minute.  We send you all our love and thank you for being in our lives!
 Suzi and David

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