Monday, February 16, 2009

A Snippet from Suzi

I have been receiving only pieces of emails from Suzi and David this week. The internet at LaCruz is apparently not reliable, so this is all I have to offer for the moment. Neither the "sure signal" nor the Skype conversation alluded to below proved to be real: the email was chopped off mid-sentence, and the Skype call never came. All I can say is it sounds like they are stranded in PV until they resolve prop problems. -K.

We have been having a heck of a time picking up the internet signal downstairs in the yacht club lounge, so I am upstairs, sitting in the lobby of the restaurant just outside Rafael's office. It's not a good place to Skype from, but it is a sure signal; Rafael is in charge of the marina. Sooo, no conversation until this evening after people leave. Our dinghy engine seemed to be working really well since it was fixed last week until we took it down the coast a bit; now the prop is not working and it appears we may need a new one. Holy moly! Who knows if we will get out of here this week! We're having the bottom cleaned today and washing down the rigging. Tomorrow we make a Costco run with Jerry and Jane and we are taking them out to lunch in Old Town PV at a Bistro on the River Cual.
Reflection: The most precious part of being here in the marina for two weeks is that I realize just how sincerely friendly this cruising/boating community is. It's a pretty amazing community, educated, knowledgeable, interesting, talented, liberal, and fun to be with. Jane and Jerry, who live on their boat Dilly Dally half of the year here in La Cruz and the other half RVing around the states, are such a kick to be around. They are about 10 years older with a great sense of humor and lots of energy. He used to coach water polo at UC Davis. There are many other cruisers we've thoroughly enjoyed as well. I think, because you have the time to be open and friendly, and you take the time to talk and listen to others, you then have the opportunity to get to know people more quickly. It is hard saying goodbye, but there is always the likely possibility of seeing them somewhere else down the road. Pretty special moments in my life I am relishing.


Anonymous said...

David and Susie, It seems with David back you guys can start to do all of the lay back things you have always wanted to do.As all of us land locked spirits envy you to no end.One big thing i am sorry i missed your send off big time. Have fun stay safe and streach thoes muscles. Lovy Ya Both Michael Cook

Anonymous said...

I will get better at this.