Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Safe and Sound for the Cyclone Season in Vuda Pt

 Giggling and sharing stories with Diana has made the daily hard work so much more fun.

 Playing music with Seta, Kimi, and Save has greatly added joy to our lives

  Hanging with good friends in the late afternoon and evenings has made our days in Vuda Pt special.
 Sidewinder is moved to her new home..........into the hole she goes!

                         Wait!!!!! What about Captain David!  He wants to come home with me!

From The Magic of Musket to Great Times in Vuda Pt

 It was hard to leave surfing out at Namotu with our friends, Bill and Ohmed. It is so beautiful out there!
 The girls at the Musket Cove store, the Trader, always took such good care of me!
 Heather and Steve (from Australia) invited us to join them at First Landing for the Melborne Cup.
 How great to watch the elections with our friends. It was quite a hair-raising event !!PHEW !
 Ahhhhhh! Jason, Peter, Diana, Suzi, David, and Rikki seem to like the results !

 Sidewinder patiently displaying the keel work done; she's looking pretty good for all the weather she has experienced!   Now that she is in the hole, she has a great view of the ocean from a safe place. :)

 The Sunset Bar is also the Yacht Club, welcoming all who come to stay inside the marina.

Leaving Fiji Tonight.....WOW !!!

We can't believe it is already November 15 and we are leaving Fiji tonight! Please forgive us for not posting all the tedious activities we have been doing here in Vuda Pt, getting Sidewinder ready for her safe hole. Along with doing work on the keel, David and I have been getting her ready topside and inside for her vacation on the land these next four months and have also been having some great fun re-uniting with our friends, Heather and Steve who are working on their s/v Kate, Diana and Peter on Quicksilver, Rikki from Guava Jelly, and Jason from Bodhran. First Landing music friends, Kimi, Save, and Seta have also welcomed us back and David has been playing a mean harmonica. The following pictures are just a few of the great times we have had while getting Sidewinder ready for her stay. We look forward to seeing friends and family at home, while getting needed work done on our precious 8th Ave abode.  Warm greetings to all during the holidays;  may the time spent with family and friends make you fully realize just how fortunate we all are.  Love to all.  Suzi and David