Friday, July 8, 2011

Journey to Savusavu

Here are some photos to show the journey from Leutoka to Savusavu,
capturing just a few of the awesome moments we have had these last two
weeks. Hopefully our internet connection is strong enough to send
these. As David has mentioned, we have a bad habit of finding our safe
anchorages a bit too late in the day, but the incredible sunsets have
certainly made us feel welcomed! The first sunset photo is our first
stop on the way to the north of Viti Levu Island, inside the reefed
pass. After anchoring for a few days in the north east corner next to
Nananu-i-take Island, safely tucked away from the intense outside
wind, we took off past Ellington Wharf and the kiters enjoying the
wind we were about to encounter on our nose. After about 5 NM of
motoring into this headwind, we ducked into beautiful Viti Levu Bay to
enjoy the calm and quiet, while watching some village women fishing
from their bamboo/reed boats. Their journey back to the village made
us realize that stand up paddling is not a new activity by any means!
Our wonderful sail from Naigoni Island to Makogai was, again, in the
afternoon, and the sunset welcomed us to safety one more time. This
former, very famous magical leper colony from 1911-1969, helped
thousands of people feel welcomed, worthwhile, productive, and joyful,
even though the leprosy seemed to be a death sentence. It was so
interesting to learn about all that was accomplished here during that
time. It is now a very low key research station for the preservation
of the giant clams which are endangered and students come here on
internships, looking for ways to help save these marvelous creatures
of the sea. We dove here and found some of the clams in their wild
einvironment; the snorkeling was incredible near Sidewinder and out by
the entrance to the bay. What a great adventure we had there!
Here are the pictures for this part of our journey........I will writeabout Koro in the next email.

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